連綴動詞 & 感官動詞 & 使役動詞

連綴動詞 + adj
....feel 感覺起來 ....feel sleepy 想睡
...look 看起來 ....look happy 看起來快樂
...smell 聞起來... smell good 聞起來香
...taste 嚐起來 (吃起來) ....taste good 好吃
...sound 聽起來... sound great 聽起來很棒

五官動詞 + like …像 ( 後面放N/Ving )
feel like 想要 ............look like 看起來像
smell like 聞起來像....taste like 吃起來像
sound like 聽起來像

1. The food tastes ___________. (A) good (B) well
...(C) deliciously (D) goodness
2. He looked ___________.(A) the girl he loved
....(B) tired and restless (C) his book sadly
....(D) exciting and embarrassing
3. A lot of students feel ___________ during the
...lengthy speech. (A) asleep (B) sleepy (C) sleep
...(D) sleepers

1.(A) taste + adj well 當adj時通常表示健康的/恰當的
2.(B) look + adj (B) tired and restless 用來當作補語,
........修飾主詞 he情緒動詞變化而來的分詞當中,當作
........補語,修飾主詞(人)的時候,要用P.P. (過去分詞)
3. (B) feel sleepy 想睡

become rich 變有錢
come true 成真(夢想成真 dream come true)
go sour變酸(壞掉)
get dark變黑(天色)
grow dark變黑(天色)
run short 短缺了
turn red 變紅 (turn 後面放顏色)
fall asleep 睡著了

1.Canned foods do not go ___________ easily.
...(A) soured (B) sour (C) souring (D) sourly
2.It began to ___________ dark. (A) grow
...(B) let (C) have (D) make
3.We have run ________ of oil. (A) short
...(B) shortly (C) shorting (D) shorted

1.(B) go sour 變酸,就是壞掉了 (罐頭食物不容易壞掉)
2.(A) grow dark / get dark (天色開始變黑了)
3. (A) run short of ~ ..(東西)快用完了

see / watch…………… O ……..原V (主動)
look at / notice………O ……..Ving (主動,強調正在…)
hear / listen to………O …….. P.P. (被動)feel   

1. I saw him swim (swimming) yesterday.
2. I heard my name called.
3. I felt something touch (touching) me.

1.Walking along the streets, we saw various signs
..._____ up here and there.
…(A) puts (B) put (C) putting (D) to put
2.We watched the children _______.
...(A) played (B) to play (C) to playing (D) play
3. I heard my name ______.
...(A) call (B) to call (C) calling (D) called
4.I felt him ____ me at that time.
...(A) touch (B) to touch (C) touching (D) to touch


1.(B) put → saw看到sign招牌put被設置, here and
.................there 到處
2.(D) play → watch看著the children孩子們play玩
3.(D) called → heard聴到my name我的名字named
.....................被叫 called
4.(C) touching → felt感覺him他touching正在碰
..........................(at that time在當時)


→ make / have get let → 使../讓..

make / have  受詞 ......原V (主動)
→ Don’t make me laugh. (別讓我笑!)
→ I’ll have my son clean this up.
→ I made my car washed yesterday.
→ I’ll have your watch repaired tomorrow.

let   受詞 ...................原V (主動) 
..................................be P.P.(被動)
→ Don’t let her cry so long. (別讓她哭這麼久!)
→ Let it be done at once. (馬上完成這件事!)

get   受詞 ..................to 原V (主動)
..................................P.P. (被動)
→ I’ll get my son to fix it. (我會叫我兒子修理它)
→ May got her radio fixed. (May把她的收音機拿去俢)1. I will make my dream ____ one day.
....(A) coming truly (B) come true (C) to come true
....(D) comes true
2. Tina went to the dentist this morning to have the
....tooth ____. (A) pulling (B) to be pulled (C) pulled
....(D) pull
3. Let the letter ____ at once.
...(A) write (B )to write (C) writing (D) be written
解答1.(B) 使役動詞make的受詞my dream的後面,須放受詞補
.........的話,就使用原形動詞come, 記住: 夢想成真
.........→..dream come true
2.(C) 使役動詞have的受詞the tooth的後面的受詞補語,表
3.(D) 使役動詞let的受詞the letter的後面的受詞補語,表
........達信件是被寫的,所以要用be written

keep的用法 :

keep + N 保管;保存 :
...Please keep the watch for me while I go
...swimming. 我去游泳的時候請幫我保管這支錶

keep + O + adj 使..保持..狀態 :
...Please keep your room clean. 請保持房間乾淨

keep + Ving 一直..(作某個動作) :
...Mary kept talking on the phone last night.

keep + adj 保持
...Please keep quiet. 請保持安靜

keep + O + Ving (主動)
................P.P. (被動)
I’m sorry to keep you waiting so long.
Peter lay on the sofa keeping his eyes closed.

1. Those toys kept the children ________ (amuse).
2. I keep ___________ (think) about Jim, all alone
....in that place.

1. amused 高興的 : 那些玩具使孩子們玩得很開心
2.thinking : 我一直想到Jim一個人在那個地方

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