Dixon - 1~5

1. dress up 盛裝打扮
....dress 穿衣 / up 徹底
....Jane dressed up for her date with John.
2. take in 縮小尺寸; 了解 ; 欺騙
.... I’ll have to take this skirt in at the waist-it’s
.....too big.
.....That’s too much information for me to take
......in one day!
.....Don’t be taken in by that sales representative!

3. stay up 熬夜
....stay 保持 / up 直立的
....I stayed up late last night.

4. help yourself 自行取用
....help 分..(食物)給../yourself 你自己
....Please feel free to help yourself to coffee.

5. a lost cause 毫無期望 ; 沒有用處
…lost 輸了的 / cause 訴訟
….I never lose weight; my dieting is a lost cause.

6. eat up 吃完;吃掉
....eat 吃 徹底/ up 完全
....Who ate up my apple pie?

7. wait on 服務;接待
....wait 服侍 / on 對
....That rich man has five servants waiting on him.

8. dish out 分裝;分配
....dish 用盤子裝 / out 出去/向外
....Tim, could you dish out the potatoes for me,

9. throw up 嘔吐
....throw丟 / up 向上 → 向上拋 (口語用法)
....John felt sick and started to throw up after
....eating the spoiled food.

10. pick up the tab 付帳
.....pick up 拿起 / the tab 帳單
.....Tina picked up the tab when we had dinner

11. inside out 內外反過來
.....inside 裡面 / out 向外
.....Dad put his sweater on inside out by mistake.

12. go Dutch 各自付帳
.....go在…的狀態 / Dutch 荷蘭式的 (採荷蘭的方式)
.....They decided to go Dutch.

13. up to date 最新 ; 流行的
.....up to 直到 / date 日期
.... Tom, long time no see. So, bring me up to date
.....on your life.
....It's an up-to-date report.

14. take off 脫掉
....take 拿 / off 離開
....The boy took off his shoes before diving into
....the lake to save the dog.
.... 那男孩脫掉鞋子,跳到湖裡去救那隻狗。

15. wear out 穿破;穿壞
....wear 磨損 / out 完全地
....My daughter's shoes are beginning to wear

16. pick out 挑選
…..pick 挑 / out 出來
.....Could you help me pick out some new clothes?

17. be in 流行
…….. in 流行的
… be out 過時
....Miniskirts are in at the moment, but long
....skirts are out right now.

18.make room for 讓位;騰出空間
….make 製造 / room 空間 / for 給
….My daughter made room for an old man on
....the train.

19. stay in 待在家
…stay 待 / in 在家
…My sister plans to stay in this weekend and
...read some good books.

stay out待外面
…stay 待 / out 出去
…My parents won’t let me stay out late.

20. try on 試穿
…...try 嘗試 / on 穿..衣在身上
......You should try on that skirt before you buy

21. stop by 稍事停留;順道拜訪
..…stop 停留 / by 經過
..…If you’re in the neighborhood, you can stop
.....by and say hello.

22. get used to Ving / N 逐漸適應或習慣。。
..…get 變得/ used to 習慣於..(某事)
..…Stress is a fact of life. You’d better get used
.....to it.

23. put on 穿戴;塗抹
.....put放 / on穿..在身上

.....She took off the old dress and put on a new one.

24. call on 請求;要求
......call 要求 / on 向
......Mary called on her friends to help.

...…call on 拜訪
......I promised to call on her after the exam.

25.get lost 迷路;滾開
.….get 處於..狀態 / lost 迷路的
.….John got lost in the side streets of Rome.

26.drop off 中途下車
.….drop 讓..下車 / off 離開
.….I asked the taxi driver to drop me off in front
.....of Starbucks.

27.Drive up to 開往;駛近
….drive 開車 / up to 達到
…..We drove up to Wu Li to join Mom.

28. slow down 放慢速度
..…slow 放慢 / down 徹底
.....Slow down a little! I’m not in a rush.

29.get in 上車(小型車)
….get 使..處在..的狀態 / in 裡面
….We got in the car and headed for the park.

30. back up 倒車;向後退
..…back 倒退 / up 完全
.....Could you back the car up a little more?

….back支持 / up完全
…You should back him up when he ever needs you.

31. bring up 撫養長大

..…bring 帶著 / up 起來;向上
..…Mr. Smith worked hard to bring up his two

32. get on 上車
..…get 使…處於..狀態 / on 在..上面
.....We got on the car and left.

33. run over 輾過
..…run 行駛 / over 越過
.....Dad nearly ran over a cat on his drive to work.

34. clean out 清理乾淨
.....clean 清理 / out 徹底
.....Mom hated cleaning out Dad’s ashtray.

35. put away 收拾好
.....put 放 / away 遠離 (遠離現在的位置)
.....You have to put away all your stuff before you
.....can have dinner.

36. get up 起床
.....get 使…(處在..) / up 直立地
.....I go to bed early and get up early, too.

37. see off 送行
.....see 看 / off 離開
.....I saw my best friend off at the airport.

38. run into 不期而遇;撞上
.....The car ran into a tree.
.....I ran into my classmate while shopping

..... bump into / come across / run across

39. make up 化妝 ; 補償
.....For the play, they made May up as an old lady.

40. major in 主修
..….major 主修 / in 在..方面
..….My sister is majoring in English.

41. read over 從頭到尾讀一遍
....read 讀 / over 從頭到尾
....This is a good book. Mom hopes me to read
.....it over carefully.

42. by heart 確實記住 ; 背起來
.....by 藉著 / heart 內心
.....I want you to learn these words by heart
.....before the next lesson.

43. hand in 繳交
....hand 面交 / in 進來
....I’d like you to hand in your homework on

44. figure out 想出;弄清楚
.....figure 計算; 想像 / out 顯現出來
....Mom hasn’t figured out how to solve that
....problem. ....媽媽還沒想出如何解那個問題。

45. learn the ropes 學會訣竅
.....learn 學會 / the ropes 規則
....Jim is new in the office, so he hasn’t learned
....the ropes yet.

46. call the roll 點名
.....call 喊叫/ the roll 名冊
.....The teacher came in and started to call the

47. look up 查閱;查詢
.....look 看 / up 徹底地
.....If you don’t recognize these words, you should
.....look them up in the dictionary.
..... 如果不認得這些字,你就該查字典。

48. lose one’s touch 變生疏
.....lose 失去 / one’s touch ..人的專長(才能)
.....Has May lost her touch? .....梅是否寶刀已老?

49. look forward to 期待;期望
..…look 看 / forward 向前 / to 對
.. …I am looking forward to playing tennis with my
.....best friend.

50. goof off 混日子;打混
..…goof 閒蕩 / off 休息
....Timothy’s been goofing off at school lately.

51. set out 出發;開始
.…set 出發/ out 外出
....Before we set out on our journey, we should
....check that we have prepared everything we

52. line up 排隊
..…line 排隊 / up 靠近
.…Would you mind lining up?

53. check in 住房登記
..…check 核對/ in 進入
..…I’d like to check in for flight XXXX.

.....check out 退房登記
.….check核對/ out 出來
.….We will go to the airport after we check out of
.....our hotel.

54. take it easy 放輕鬆
..…take 把..事看成 / easy 輕鬆的
..…I don’t have any plans on the weekend.
..…I’m just going to take it easy.

55. work out 健身;理解;想出 
..…work 勞動 / out 徹底地
..…John works out at the gym twice a week.

…※ work out 也有擬定(計劃等)的意思

56. take (time) off 休假;休息
..…take 取得 / off 不工作
..…I want to take three days off next week.

57. take part (in) 參加
..…take 取得/ part 職責;部分 / in 在..方面
.…Tim is glad to take part in the English speech

58. have a good time 玩得愉快
..….I hope you’ll have a good time at the party.

59. from now on 從現在起
..…from 從/ now 現在 / on 繼續
..…From now on, you can relax and let me do the

60. all day long 整天
.….all day 整天 / long 久
.….The house faces the south, so you can get
.....sunlight all day long.

61. right away 立刻

..…right (加強語氣用詞) / away (立刻-古法用)
..….We’ll handle the case right away.

62. so far 到目前為止
.…John’s store has been very successful so far.

63. for the time being 目前;暫時
.….You will get a new bike soon, but for the time
.....being, you’ll use the old one.

64. day after day 日復一日
..…day 一天/ after 接著 / day 一天
..…Mom was tired of working nine to five day
.....after day.

65. for good 永久;永遠
..…for 為了得到 / good 利益 → 有一勞永逸的意思
..…He left the city for good.

66. waste time over 浪費時間
..…waste time on
…..waste time (on)
…..waste 浪費/ time 時間 / over (on) 關於
.....Why do I have to waste time over this?
.….I don’t want to waste time arguing with you.

67. clean up 清理乾淨;梳洗一下
.....clean清理 / up徹底
......Give me ten minutes to clean myself up before
......we go out to dinner.

68. take one’s time 別急;慢慢來

…..take 得到/ one’s time (人)的時間
..→ ....人有時間可以做
.....Please take your time choosing what shoes
......to buy.

69. fall behind 落後
.….fall (處在…狀態) / behind 落後
.….Jane was often absent, so she fell behind.
....(fall / fell / fallen)

70. taste of 吃起來有
..…的味道 taste品嚐 / of 具有的
.....The bread tastes of strawberries.

71. catch up 趕上;追上

..…catch 趕上 / up 向前
..…They started a few minutes ago, and we must
.....hurry to catch up.

72.little by little 逐漸地
.....little 一點/ by 接著 / little 一點 → 慢慢地
..…Little by little Mary became more fluent in

73. on time 準時
.....on 在…上 / time (某個)時間
.….You’d better be on time tomorrow because we
.....have a meeting first thing in the morning.

74. do without 沒有
.….do 做 / without 沒有..
….Harry forgot to bring the books we need, so
.....we had to do without.

75. eat in 在家吃 吃 在家
.....eat 吃 / in 在家
.....Let’s eat in tonight. 我們今晚就在家吃吧!

....eat out 在外面吃
....eat 吃 / out 在外面
....Let’s eat out tonight.

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