重點 19
5句型 (2)
S…..Vt…..O1...O2 → O1 人 / O2 事物
S….Vt…. O2….介…O1
※ 授與動詞
give / send / mail / lend / write / teach → to
bring / pay / sell / show / tell / offer → to
make / buy / cook / choose / get / order → for
ask → of
play → on
例: She bought me a present. = She bought a
.....present for me.
※ cost / envy / wish 人 物例: I wish you a happy new year. 祝你新年快樂
※感官動詞 – 看到…/聽到...
…see / watch……….....O…...原V (主動)
...look at / notice…..... ....…..Ving (主動,正在…)
...hear / listen to………........…….. P.P. (被動)feel
※使役動詞→ 使../讓..
make / have.................O..........原V (主動)
let …………….................O..........原V (主動)
...............................................be P.P.(被動)
get ……………................O..........to 原V (主動)
※ keep - 讓….(處在..狀態)
keep ....…..O…......Ving (主動)
............................P.P. (被動)
※ find / catch / keep
....Vt............O...........OC.........find 發現……………..adj / Ving / P.P.
catch 撞見………………. Ving / P.P.
keep 保持…………….adj / Ving / P.P.
※ 認定動詞 – 視..為..
regard / see / view ............… A....…as…....B
look upon / think of
※ 認為..think / believe / consider…………..O……….adj / N
※ 稱呼…/選…name / call / nickname / elect ……..O……….N
※ 要…去…/提醒..要…want / beg / order / command……..O……….to V
request / expect / warn
上面的重點熟悉了嗎?? 可以到寫作練習區練習寫作喔!!!
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