Dixon - 156~165


156.now that 既然; 因為
……now 既然

……You ought to have a good rest now that you've
.......finished the work.
157.live it up 盡情享樂
…….live 生活/ it 它 / up 完全地…….It’s your birthday. Let’s live it up!
…….今天是你的生日, 讓我們盡情享受一下
……I will call you up this week to tell you my decision.
159.beat around the bush 拐彎抹角
……beat 拍打 / around 在…周圍 / the bush 灌木叢……Tim kept beating around the bush because he didn’t want to
……tell us the truth.
……提姆一直支吾其詞, 不想告訴我們事實
160.take over接管; 接替
……take 承擔 / over 轉移
……Mary can take over until we hire somebody.
……瑪莉可以接替, 直到我們找到人
161.stand out顯著;突出
……stand 豎立 / out 顯露……Because he was so tall, Jim really stood out from the crowd.
……因為長得高, 吉姆在人群中顯得很突出
162.lead to 導致; 通往
……lead 引導 /to ……Smoking leads to cancer.
……All roads lead to Rome.
163.buy up全部買下
….. buy / up 完全地……They bought up all the sugar in London.
164.hang up 掛電話 ; 懸掛
……hang 懸掛 / up 上去
……She hung up on me.
165.hear of 聽說;得知
….. hear 聽到 / of 關於……I’ve never heard of that movie star.


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