
例如: take / ride / on  /  in  /  by   .......

by + 交通工具 = on 或 in + a + 交通工具
(搭) take + a + 交通工具
(騎) ride + a + 騎乘的交通工具

1.by bus ( 撘公車 ) = on a bus = take a bus

2.by car ( 開車 / 搭車) = in a car = drive / take a car

3.by taxi ( 搭計程車) = in a taxi = take a taxi

4.by plane ( 搭飛機 ) = on a plane = take a plane

5.by train ( 火車) = on a train = take a train

6.by bike ( 騎腳踏車 ) = on a bike = ride a bike

7.by bicycle ( 騎腳踏車) = on a bicycle = ride a bike

8.by motorcycle ( 騎機車) = on a motorcycle = ride a motorcycle

9.by horse ( 騎馬 ) = on a horse = ride a horse

* take the MRT 搭捷運

2 意見:

Unknown 提到...

可以用 on the taxi 還是taxi一定要用in

大宝 提到...

一定要用in a taxi,這裡講得很清楚http://tw.blog.voicetube.com/2015/01/15/%E5%88%B0%E5%BA%95%E6%98%AFon-bus-%E9%82%84%E6%98%AF-bus%EF%BC%9F%E4%B8%80%E6%AC%A1%E6%90%9E%E6%87%82%E4%BA%A4%E9%80%9A%E5%B7%A5%E5%85%B7%E4%BB%8B%E4%BF%82%E8%A9%9E%EF%BC%81

