N 子句 & N片語

N 子句 & N片語

用連接詞連起來, 這種子句有三種:
名詞子句(N子句) / 形容詞子句 (關係子句) / 副詞子句
連接詞 + S + V
*定義: N子句是句子或問句變成的名詞 , 有主詞及動詞
* 作用: 可以當S 主詞 / O 受詞/ C 補語 / 同位語

*連接N子句的連接詞// (賴小姐會起疑)
that S V (that後面的子句是由直述句而來)whether / if S V

疑問詞 S V (疑問詞後面的子句是由特殊問句而來)……..關係詞 S V

.......(whatever / whoever / whomever / whosever

(1) that 引導的名詞子句
→ that 子句,是由一般的句子變成的
(2) whether引導的名詞子句
→ whether 子句,是由一般疑問句(yes/no)變成的
(3) 疑問詞引導的名詞子句
→ 疑問詞子句,是由特殊問句(有疑問詞的問句)變成的

疑問詞: what / where / when / which / how / why


(1) that 子句
John doesn’t study hard.
that John doesn’t study hard
Mary enjoys dancing.
that Mary enjoys dancing

(2) whether/if子句 (子句中的S&V不倒裝喔!)Is she nice?
whether she is nice
Can you sing?
whether you can sing
Has John arrived?
whether John has arrived
Do Mary speak French?
whether Mary speaks French

(3) 疑問詞子句What are you doing?
what you are doing
When will they arrive?
when they will arrive
Where did she live?
where she lived
Who did it?
who did it
What happened yesterday?
what happened yesterday?
Which one is the best?
which one is the best

N 片語 → 由名詞子句簡化而來
….疑問詞 + to 原V → what to do / where to go..

可以使用it代替S或O (於後面章節詳細介紹)

1. That the earth is round is true.
2. What you are doing seems very difficult.
3.I know (that) he is right.
4.I doubt whether it will rain.
5.Do you know where he lives?
6.He only laughed at what we said.
7.My opinion is that you should not go alone.
8.My parents make me what I am today.
9.The fact that Mary is my teacher surprises everyone.
10.I don’t know what to do.
11.Whoever comes will be welcome.
12.Give it to whomever you like.
13.You may do whatever you like.
14.I think it a pity that he couldn’t win the game.
it 是虛受詞 , that he couldn’t win the game是真受詞
精選題 :1.___ is unknown to me.
(A) Where he is (B) Where is he

(C) He is where (D) Is he where
2.____ he is late is evident.
(A) What (B) Whom (C) That (D) If
3.He told me the news ____ our team had won

the game.(A) about (B) of (C) that (D) as
4.I asked him ___ he would go.
(A)what (B) which (C) that (D) if
5.Give it to ____ wants it.
(A) whoever (B) whomever (C) whatever

(D) whosever

解答1. A

成果如何?? 可以到寫作練習區接受更進一步的挑戰喔!

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