誰可以當S ?


名詞 / 代名詞 / 不定詞 (動作未做) / 動名詞 (動作已做)
名詞子句/ 名詞片語 / 表距離的片語

1. 名詞 : The student studies hard. 這學生很用功
2. 代名詞 : They study hard. 他們很用功
3. 不定詞 : To marry John is her dream.
4. 動名詞 : Learning English is not easy. 學英文不容易
5. 名詞子句 : Where we will live is not decided yet.
6. 名詞片語 : Where to live is not decided yet.
7. 表距離的片語 : From Taipei to Taichung is about
........................160 kilometers.

it 當虛主詞 :

1. To marry John is her dream.
…= It is her dream to marry John.

2. Learning English is not easy.
…= It is not easy to learn English.

3. Where we will live is not decided yet.
…= It is not decided yet where we will live.

下一單元 : N 子句

1. 早起(get up early)是她的習慣
....___________________ is her habit.
= It is _____________________________.

2. 跟她共事(work with her)很有趣
...._____________________________is fun.
= It is ______________________________.

3. 出國深造(study abroad)是瑪莉的目標
...._______________________ is Mary’s goal.
= It is ______________________________.

4. 昨晚見到他(see him)使我很高興
...._______________ last night made me happy.
= It _______________________________.

5. 娶她(marry her)是我的夢想
....________________________ is my dream.
= It is ______________________________.


1. Getting up early
= ….her habit to get up early.
2.Working with her
= …fun to work with her.
3.To study abroad
= …Mary’s goal to study abroad.
4. Seeing him last night
=…made me happy to see him last night
5. To marry her
=…my dream to marry her.

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