Dixon - 91~95

91.on the whole 在大體上
….on 依照 / the whole 整體 ; 全部

….On the whole, I like it.

92.go around 散播 ; 足夠分配
….go / around 到處
…. The earth goes around the sun.…..地球圍繞太陽運轉。

93.live up to 遵守 ; 達到
….live 過活/ up to 達到
….The book lived up to his expectations.

94.set out to V 開始做 ; 打算
….set 朝著/ out 向外/ to 去 (作….)
…. He set out to paint the whole house two hours ago.

95.have one’s way 隨心所欲 ; 照..人的意思
….have 擁有 / one’s way 某人的方法
….Don’t let your brother have his own way.

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