對話-歷屆試題 121~130


121.What do you do in your leisure time?
......妳在閒暇時都做些啥? (leisure time 閒暇)
122.Why were you going to Singapore?

123.Which paper did you see it advertised?
......妳在哪份報紙上看到它在做廣告 (paper 報紙)

124.When are you planning on going?

125.You’re wanted on the phone.

126.The report is missing some pages.
......這份報告掉了幾頁 (miss 遺失)

127.I’d like to take a few days off.
......我想休幾天假 (take...off 休...假)

128.The operation is scheduled for Friday.
......手術預定在周五 (operation 手術 /be scheduled 預定)

129.When did you last see her?
.......妳上次是何時看到她的? (last 上次)

130.What does she look like?
......她長啥樣子?? (look like 看起來像..)

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