對話-歷屆試題 181~190


181. I still have plenty of work to do. 我有很多工作要做
182. I am full. 我飽了183. I’m leaving for Joe’s birthday party in a minute.……我馬上就要出發去參加喬的生日派對了
184. I don’t eat in the morning. 我早上不吃東西
185. How do you do? 妳好! (第一次見面時說的)
186. Would you do me a favor? 可以請妳幫忙嗎?
187. What’s in the water? 什麼東西在水裡?
188. What’s wrong? 怎麼啦? (有何問題ㄚ!)
189. Go to Rome. 去羅馬
190.Follow Chung-ming home. 跟著Chung-ming回家

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