Dixon - 136~140

136.look for 尋找
….. look / for 為了

….A: What are you doing? B: I’m looking for my key.
….A: 妳正在做啥? B: 我正在找鑰匙

137.look into 調查
……look / into 進入
…..The police are looking into the cause of accident.

138.meet…人 halfway 和..人妥協
….. meet …人 滿足某人 / halfway 中途 ; 半路上
…..We need to learn to meet others halfway

139.on schedule 按照預定時間 ; 準時
……on 在..上 / schedule 時刻表……The train arrived on schedule.

140.put out 熄滅
……put 使…處於.. / out 熄滅的
……The firefighters put out the fire in a minute.

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