Dixon - 176~185

176.at stake 瀕臨危險
……at 以 / stake 賭注

……The life of the patient is at stake.

177.carry out 執行; 實現
……carry 扶持 / out 完全地
……She had finally carried out her promise to quit smoking.
178.give up 放棄; 戒除
……give 讓步 / up 完全地
……The girl gave up halfway.
179.every other 每隔..的; 僅此一次
……every 每隔…的 / other 另一個
……You should write on every other line.
180.for once 僅此一次
……for 一共 / once 一次
……For once he was telling the truth.
181.off and on 斷斷續續
……off 關掉/ on 開啟
……It rained off and on all day.
182.time and again 一再地
……time 一次/ and 又/ again 再一次
……Time and again, John was late for work.
183.all of a sudden 突然
……all (強調用) / of 在..之前/ a sudden 無預期地發生
……All of a sudden the lights went out.
184.at first 起初
…..at 在/ first 最初
….. At first I didn't know what had happened.
185.before long 不久; 很快地
……before 在…之前/ long 長久
……The dictionary will be published before long.

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