Dixon - 281~290

281.blow up 爆炸(炸燬)
……blow爆炸 / up 徹底

……Terrorists threatened to blow up this building

282.set fire to 放火
……set 放 / fire 火 / to 對…
……A headcase set fire to the house last night.

283.burn down 燒毀
……burn 燒 / down 徹底地
……The building was burnt down.

284.let go (of ) 放開
……let 讓 / go 離開 / of 分開
……Let go of me. You’re hurting me!

285.tear up 撕裂
……tear撕裂/ up 完全地
……Tina tore up the test paper and threw it away.

286.let… slide 丟著不管
……let 讓 / slide 滑落
……Bell didn’t do her homework last night but her

......parents let it slide.

287.thanks to 幸虧
……thanks 感謝 / to 對
……Thanks to you, I was able to complete the project.

288.by no means 絕不
……by 藉著 / no 無 / means 方法
……It is by no means easy to satisfy everyone.

289.get carried away 忘情於…
……get 達到…狀態 / carried 被帶走 / away 遠離
……All the audience got carried away by A-Mei’s


290.draw the line at 拒絕
……draw 劃 / the line 界線 / at 對…
……Nancy often works late, but she draws the line

......at working on weekends.

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