Dixon - 291~300

291.fool around 鬼混; 胡搞
……fool 鬼混 / around 到處

……The workers always fool around when the
......supervisor steps out.

292.rise to one’s feet 站起來
……rise 起身 / to 到 / one’s feet …的腳
……Dad rose to his feet and ran outside. I don’t

......know what happened.
293.keep up with 趕上
……keep 保持 / up 靠近 / with 和…
……Jane is trying to keep up with other students in

......her class.

294.out of order 故障; 雜亂
……out of 脫離; 沒有.. / order 次序; 良好狀況
……Our air-conditioner is out of order.

295.make waves 惹事生非
……make 製造 / waves 波浪
……Don't make waves. Just keep quiet.

296.on one’s toes 準備好的
……on 使用 / one’s toes …人的腳指頭

→ 運動員踮著腳,隨時準備跑
……The coach asked his players to constantly

......practice, and keep them on their toes.


297.take for 將..誤認為..
……take 把…看做是… / for 代替…
……Why does she take me for a fool?

298.hold over 延長
……hold 保持; 持續 / over 超過
……The wedding ceremony was held over for an

......unknown reason.

299.hold up 攔截
….. The criminals held up the train.

300.be named after 以…命名
……be named 被命名 / after 在…之後
……Tina was named after her grandma.

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