模擬試題 - 5

93-99年歷屆試題  (遠東高中英文網站提供)

1.( ) The high risk of getting lung cancer still cannot _______ people from smoking.
(A) discourage (B) emerge (C) discover (D) repeat

2.( ) This piece of land is _______ for wild animals and plants; it is not open for the general public.

(A) responded (B) shocked (C) reserved (D) smelled

3.( ) Due to heavy snow on the runway, all the flights were _______ for nearly eight hours.

(A) mixed (B) served (C) delayed (D) located

4.( ) For young women who suffer from eating disorder, body _______ is often their main concern.

(A) diary (B) interest (C) dialogue (D) image

5.( ) Learning the basic pronunciation _______ helps students spell English words more easily.

(A) rulers (B) symptoms (C) principles (D) principals

6.( ) The most frequently used service on the Internet is electronic mail (e-mail), which is fast and convenient.

(A) recently (B) possibly (C) easily (D) commonly

7.( ) These three wooden boxes are _______; they are of the same size, shape, and color.

(A) remote (B) similar (C) real (D) vague

8.( ) The businessman is very _______; he gives money to those who are in need of help.

(A) expensive (B) rapid (C) generous (D) dependent

9.( ) Nowadays, there is a lot of pressure on high school students to _______ very good exam results in order to enter national universities.

(A) insist (B) obtain (C) decide (D) fill

10.( ) Some people prefer to follow a predictable pattern in their life: school, then marriage and children.

(A) rate (B) turn (C) review (D) design

11.( ) Jane _______ to the waiter that her meal was cold.

(A) celebrated (B) admired (C) happened (D) complained

12.( ) Not knowing what the sales representative was trying to do, the lady looked perplexed.

(A) prepared (B) delighted (C) confused (D) bored

13.( ) Vocational high school students should have greater _______ in themselves in order to learn English well.

(A) dependence (B) influence (C) confidence (D) performance

14.( ) For over 2000 years, paper has been used as a major tool of communication; however, e-mail today has become a _______ practice.

(A) common (B) last (C) traditional (D) difficult

15.( ) If we don't have good telephone _______, we may sound impolite to other people on the phone.

(A) bases (B) bills (C) manners (D) marks


16.( ) Sarah: What do you do for a living?

Philip: __________

Sarah: You must be very busy then.

(A) I'm a doctor.

(B) I live in Taiwan. d

(C) I'm 50 years old.

(D) I live a good life.

17.( ) Tina: Hi, Jane! How's it going?

Jane: Not so good. I've got a bad cold.

Tina: Yeah, a lot of people have colds. _________

Jane: I know, but I have a report due tomorrow.

(A) I have a terrible headache.

(B) I have visited my doctor.

(C) You should be home in bed.

(D) You have been feeling well. df1

18.( ) Customer: Good morning. _________

Teller: Sure. How much do you want to take out?

Customer: Three thousand dollars, please.

(A) I'd like to see your manager. (B) I'd like to withdraw some money.

(C) I'd like to open an account. (D) I'd like to make a deposit.

19.( ) Ann: I see you're washing the windows.

Joan: Yes. They have not been washed for a long time.

Ann: _________

Joan: Sure, if you don't mind.

Ann: No, not at all.

(A) For what date?

(B) Need any help?

(C) I don't know yet.

(D) I appreciate that.

20.( ) Billy: I don't feel well today.

Nurse: _________

Billy: I have a sore throat and a headache.

Nurse: Let me take your temperature first. Dr. Chang will be with you in a minute.

(A) That would be fine.

(B) Can you come in then?

(C) What seems to be the problem?

(D) Dr. Chang has an opening at three.

21.( ) Sarah: What do you do for a living?

Philip: _______

Sarah: You must be very busy then.

(A) I live a good life.

(B) I live in Taiwan.

(C) I'm 50 years old.

(D) I'm a doctor.

22.( ) Brenda: It's time for dinner now.

David: I know, but _________

Brenda: Come on, you can't work well when you are hungry.

(A) I don't eat in the morning.

(B) I still have plenty of work to do.

(C) I'm leaving for Joe's birthday party in a minute.

(D) I am full.

23.( ) Andrew: You look pale. Are you all right?

Candy: I don't feel well. I'm not sure what's wrong with me.

Andrew: _________

Candy: You're right. Thanks for your advice.

(A) That's a wonderful idea!

(B) I think I'm going to be sick.

(C) Is there anything I can do for you?

(D) You should take a rest.

24.( ) Victor: What kind of movies do you like?

Linda: I like action movies. They're so exciting!

Victor: But _______. Well, you know sometimes action movies can be very bloody.

(A) I also like action movies (B) I don't have homework

(C) I seldom have time (D) I prefer comedies

25.( ) Woman: I'd like to order breakfast, please.

Room Service: May I have your name and room number?

Woman: Helen Brown. Room 12.

Room Service: Ms. Brown, _________

Woman: Some toast and a tomato juice.

(A) when do you want that?

(B) I wonder if I could have some of that.

(C) what would you like today?

(D) is everything OK?


Mount Kilimanjaro, located in Tanzania about 220 miles south of the equator in a very hot region, is the tallest mountain in all of Africa. __26__ its location, there are many glaciers and ice fields high up on the mountain. The ice cap was important to the surrounding area and it's also a source of water for the river Nile. Many villages in the Mount Kilimanjaro region __27__ the snow and ice melt water.

The appearance of Mount Kilimanjaro is changing. Scientists say that more than 80 percent of its glaciers __28__ since 1912. As a result, animals on the plains surrounding the mountain are now dying and many plant species are also in danger. People are beginning to wonder how long it will be before the mountain __29__ its snowy white cap. Why is this happening? Some scientists think that the hot weather in this tropical region makes the effects of global warming even worse. For example, the snow melts faster here __30__ in cooler parts of the world. __31__ believe forest reduction on Kilimanjaro may be the strongest human influence on glacial recession. Forest fires, often caused by honey collectors trying to smoke bees out of their hives, __32__ the air temperature and lower the level of water in the air. These changes cause less snow to fall in the area. Scientists now believe that the mountain's glaciers may be totally gone by the year 2020.

( ) 26. (A) Because of (B) Spite (C) Even though (D) Despite

( ) 27. (A) belong to (B) depend on (C) hear from (D) figure out

( ) 28. (A) melted (B) have melted (C) is melting (D) will have melted

( ) 29. (A) will lose (B) has lost (C) loses (D) will have lost

( ) 30. (A) than it does (B) as it is (C) so did they (D) than they are

( ) 31. (A) Another (B) The other (C) Others (D) The others

( ) 32. (A) rise (B) arise (C) arouse (D) raise

Since the invention of the Internet, many people have predicted a paperless society. This __33__ has come to reality as people use the Internet to read newspapers, send and receive e-mails, and access information. __34__, here are others who doubt that computer technology will ever lead to a paperless society.

People who see the coming of a paperless society believe that the Internet and e-mail will one day __35__ people's use of paper. Because the Internet allows people to read newspapers and access many databases online, they don't have to use paper to get needed information. __36__, they don't have to actually buy a paper copy of the document. With e-mails, people don't need to use paper to send and receive letters and messages. Furthermore, the writing and editing process __37__ on a computer, and therefore people don't need to use paper.

But there are others who believe that a paperless society will not become a reality despite the usefulness of the Internet and e-mail. Many people still use paper because both the Internet and e-mail can be a vehicle for __38__ to spread. Others rely only on paper for important documents because of __39__ concerns. They are worried that their personal messages might __40__ by someone else.

( ) 33. (A) contact (B) mail (C) prediction (D) computer

( ) 34. (A) However (B) Moreover (C) Therefore (D) Whatever

( ) 35. (A) cause (B) attract (C) occur (D) replace

( ) 36. (A) In case (B) That is (C) Unless (D) Though

( ) 37. (A) had done (B) is done (C) was doing (D) will do

( ) 38. (A) letters (B) papers (C) viruses (D) steps

( ) 39. (A) social (B) gentle (C) dressing (D) privacy

( ) 40. (A) read (B) be reading (C) be read (D) being read


The Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) offers those aged 55 and older a meaningful life through community volunteer service. Volunteers donate their time and energy regularly to neighborhood watch programs, to helping people recover from natural disasters, and to providing transportation for doctors' appointments, etc. In fact, plenty of other service opportunities exist for RSVP such as visiting nursing home residents, helping in senior nutrition centers, providing service at civic events, serving in health care institutions, and serving at public libraries. The rewards of being a volunteer are countless. For example, each year RSVP volunteers are recognized with a special banquet in their honor. The recognition also provides a time for the volunteers to gather together and enjoy a variety of entertainments. Research shows that volunteering promotes physical and psychological well-being. During and after volunteering, 95 percent of people reported feelings of warmth, similar to those who feel happy and excited after exercise.

( ) 41. What is the passage mainly about?

(A) Opportunities and benefits for student volunteers.

(B) Services offered by RSVP for elders.

(C) The nature and advantages of joining RSVP.

(D) The recognition of special senior volunteers.

( ) 42. According to the passage, at what age can a person become qualified to join RSVP?

(A) 24 (B) 37 (C) 49 (D) 56

( ) 43. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a volunteer work?

(A) Reading to children.

(B) Serving at libraries.

(C) Offering transportation for the sick.

(D) Visiting aged citizens at nursing homes.

( ) 44. In line 8, the word "their" refers to _______.

(A) volunteers' (B) residents' (C) institutions' (D) libraries'

( ) 45. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

(A) Volunteers give money to nursing home residents.

(B) Volunteering gives one a feeling of happiness.

(C) Volunteers go to work only when they are invited.

(D) Volunteering is not rewarding at all.

Say "evolution" and some folks think of dusty archaeologists examining bone fragments. But, while evidence of previous life forms does play a central part in our understanding of evolution, it is not necessary to go on a dig to see it in action-you might just look inside your mouth.

We all learn that human beings have thirty-two teeth. They are not all the same, though; the pointy incisors in the front are easily distinguished from the flatter, double-edged bicuspids that run along the side. Our teeth serve different functions: those incisors are great for biting and holding on, while the bicuspids do more of a saw-motion for chewing.

Now here is something you may not know: strictly speaking, it is not true that everyone has thirty-two teeth. Even excluding people with dental problems, some folks have only thirty, or even twenty-eight. The ones that are missing are often the farthest back in the mouth. Where did they go?

One likely answer is found in evolution. A long time ago-say ten thousand years-human beings ate much more raw meat. With a rough diet, you need lots of grinding teeth to help prepare your food for digestion. Later, with the gradual advent of cooked foods, not all those teeth are needed anymore. If someone is born without them, he or she does not suffer any ill consequence; a scientist would say there is no evolutionary pressure to keep those teeth.

Source: http://amos.indiana.edu/library/scripts/mouthevol.html

( ) 46. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

(A) Only archaeologists understand evolution.

(B) Everyone has thirty-two teeth.

(C) Ten thousand years ago, human beings ate much more raw meat than we do now.

(D) With the gradual advent of cooked foods, we need more teeth to chew them.

( ) 47. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the word "pointy" in the second paragraph?

(A) sharp (B) round (C) flat (D) long

( ) 48. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

(A) Previous life forms play a central part in our understanding of evolution.

(B) Some people have fewer teeth than others.

(C) Animals have more teeth than human beings.

(D) The bicuspids are used mainly for chewing.

( ) 49. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

(A) Human incisors look much like bicuspids.

(B) Some people do not need the teeth that are the farthest back in the mouth.

(C) Today people are born without the teeth that are the farthest back in the mouth.

(D) Ancient people have less than thirty-two teeth.

( ) 50. What is the passage mainly about?

(A) Different functions of human teeth.

(B) People with dental problems.

(C) The advent of cooked foods.

(D) Evolution in terms of human teeth.


1. A2. C3. C4. D5. C6. D7. B8. C9. B10. D

11. D12. C13. C14. A15. C


16. A17. C18. B19. B20. C21. D22. B23. D24. D25. C

26.D 27.B 28.B 29.C 30.A 31.C 32.D

33.C 34.A 35.D 36.B 37.B 38.C 39.D 40.C


41.C 42.D 43.A 44.A 45.B

46.C 47.A 48.C 49.B 50.D

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