11. not…but 不是…而是…
12. 也….. / 也不…..
S…V…, and S…V.., too.
= S…V…, and so BeV S..........................助V
S…V…, and S…not V.., either.
= S…V…, and neither ..BeVS......................nor.......助V
I love John, and Mary does, too.
=I love John, and so does Mary.
I don’t love John, and Mary doesn’t, either.
=I don’t love John, and neither does Mary.
13. 不再….
…..no longer…
….not …any more (any longer)
14…..soon after S V 一…很快就…
15.There is no ….left…. (沒有…剩下來)
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