對話-歷屆試題 71~80


71.I have been to Jane’s place recently. 我最近有到珍的家去
72.I had dinner with Jane last night. 我昨晚和珍吃晚餐

73.It depends on the weather. 要看天氣如何
......depend on 依賴 / 視...而定
74.Tainan is too far for me. 台南對我來說太遠了
75.I don’t feel like going anywhere. 我哪兒都不想去
.......feel like Ving 想要
76.I’m going to the library. 我正要去圖書館
77. I’m 50 years old. 我50歲了
78. I’m a doctor. 我是個醫生
79. I live a good life. 我過著好生活 (我過得很好)

.......live a ~ life 過著...的生活
80.I live in Taiwan. 我住在台灣

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