Dixon - 186~195

186.at last 最後
……at 在…/ last 最後

……At last they reached Japan.

187.in fact 事實上
……in 在…方面 / fact 事實
……In fact, I don’t like singing.

188.take place 發生舉行
……take佔據 / place 地方
……Our class reunion will take place in Taipei this

189.break out 爆發; 發生
…..break 破裂/ out 向外
…..A fire broke out on the first floor last night.
190.sell out 賣光
……sell 賣/ out 完全地
……The shop sold out all their shirts.
191.be well-off 生活富裕
……well-off 富裕的
……My uncle is quite well-off.
192.earn a living 賺錢謀生
……earn 賺 / a living 生計
……John earns a living as a fortune-teller.
193.get out from under 擺脫負擔
……get out 擺脫 / from 從 / under 在..之下
……How can I get out from under my debt?
194.be better off 情況好轉
……May is better off since she moved to Taipei.
……瑪莉自從搬到台北後, 生活情況便有好轉了
195.hold on 稍後; 抓緊; 堅持
……hold 持續 / on 繼續
……Hold on a second! Let me get a chair for you.
……請稍等, 我幫你拿張椅子

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